Sunday, May 21, 2017

Moving ahead

3 months ago, I left my job because of my ill health. After the treatment for 40-45 days, I am well and good enough for my daily activities. My family suggested me to continue my studies i.e., MBA. So I enrolled for a common entrance test for it called as ICET. My plan is to go for distance education program offered by OU and work for my career growth.
Getting prepared for this exam was fun. I learned plenty of new things from the coaching I got from Nizam College moreover by expert faculty such as Mr.Banda Ravipal Reddy Sir and Mr.Srinivas Ambarty.
Apart from that, I bought a domain of my name, something I was thinking to do for a long time. So I was also solely working on the website's visual and graphical structure simultaneously with ICET classes. I guess this is the real decision-making time where we actually mould ourselves for a greater good.
My interest is to work as Freelancer but for which I have to work real hard maybe I need some more experience. Anyway, life's truly moving very fast, we are moving ahead. Maybe this is crucial at this age. Someone said really correct, "20-25 is the age where we'll either make or break ourselves".

In my next post, I will reveal my website and till then be happy and help others.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Jolly LLB 2 Review- A sequel that has everything right in it

Well whenever a sequel comes, expectations are always high. In rare cases we gets satisfied with a sequels and Jolly LLB 2 is one of such film. Right from the first scene the movie grips and keeps you hooked till the end,
Nevertheless people will miss Arshad Warsi, They'll also accept new Jolly wholeheartedly. Excellent story line, sarcastic satire and Power pack performances from whole of the star cast. Akshay Kumar, Saurabh Shukla and Anu Kapoor breath their character making the court room scenes biggest highlight. Huma Qureshi is good though she has very little to play. Kudos to Subhaash Kapoor, deserves another National Award right away.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Digital Marketing trends 2017

The technology is rapidly changing and so as the world.

As everyone knows, Digital arena is changing, so as the marketing trends.

So here are the trends that will storm the Digital Marketing practices in 2017:-

1. Visual Reality/ Augmented Reality:- When POKEMON GO released in mid of 2016, it clearly gave a signal that the future is completely the "Augmented Reality". Bringing the reform in Digital world and showing that the people are ready for such technology

2. SnapChat:- As the number of users are gradually increasing on this particular social platform it got an tremendous attention from marketers all over the world and it's showing upward trend in 2017

3. Personalised approach to whole new level: The conversion rate of any campaign are way more high when the approach is personalised. Hence, companies will master this art in 2017.

4. Highly mobile friendly:- The above mentioned trends are strictly linked with the mobile phone that hints that its completely mobile customized marketing.

5. Push notifications:- We all are so connected with smart phones that we spend most of our time using various apps. So, marketers are smart enough to make use of the advertisements on Apps.

This is my first blog post, based on my profession. The writing is little amateur please do comment for any suggestions and improvisation.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Give 500 and 1000 for 300 and 700- Currency exchange ongoing fraud

Fahad Hasan- Digital Marketing Specialist- Martial Artist- Blogger
The day when PM Modiji announced the currency ban the whole nation was shaken.

On one hand where few people where in shock because of the black money they had, the other people on the other hand were really worried for how to exchange these notes.

 All thanks to published news items on internet and media almost everyone was aware that they can exchange these notes with its fully value.

Somehow people managed for 24 hours and today everyone rushed to the banks for the sake of currency exchange.

But yesterday I saw few people who were fooling poor uneducated labors by offering exchange of 500 and 1000 rs notes for 300 and 700. Also convincing them that the notes are no longer valid and it has no value.

Those uneducated people probably doesn't know the exchange process from banks and are falling into the trap.

Shame on such people.

We shall educate them instead of fooling.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Sometimes you have to fight back

Fahad Hasan- Digital marketing Consultant- Martial Artist- Blogger 
"I have no intentions 
to hurt any community 
or section of people. 
I respect everyone 
and also believes 
everyone are equal.
This is just conversion 
of real incident into 
words" - Fahad Hasan 
Yesterday night, I was walking on street, just then I saw 2 Hijra people walking towards me. One of them asked me for money. I quickly took out my wallet and gave him 10 Rs  (that's all I could afford at that time) but that wasn't enough for him. He said he want more and he took my hand forcefully and tried touching his private parts.

I pushed him back and I managed to get my hand off him. He then tried to grab me, I ducked and he fallen down because of his own actions. He then tried to slap me, I had no option but to hit him for self defense. He got so angry that he started fighting back. He again attempted to hit me.

Thankfully I knew martial arts so I blocked those fights by using 360 defense. Then I gave him kicks on his thighs, followed by rightly placed punches on his shoulder and one on his face.

The person with him tried stopping him but clearly failed as Mr.Angry was totally out of his control.

I held his hand from wrist, twisted it and dragged him down giving him a Lock (just to calm him down) and within no time he was less aggressive. Then I let him go and asked the other person to take him away. Saying this I backed off and started walking away. He was shouting at me but I preferred to ignore as I had no intention to start a fight again.

When I shared this incident with family and friends, everyone said I shouldn't have beaten him, "you should have ran away" My brother yelled at me.

I guess they all are right but from my point of view I had no other option.

Sometimes you have to fight back, for yourself.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Are we really educated?

Yesterday I was at bus stop waiting for my bus just like another day. I saw a brand new Range Rover ,  a guy in suit came and sat in it, tied  his seat belt just before starting his engine,  he dropped his window glass and spit on road. That scenario was very disgusting as it isn't expected from a educated person. We all see such incidents everywhere but it doesn't really bother us much.

This raises a big question Are we really educated? I still remember the lesson in English subject I had in my Degree 1st year called "Civic Sense" and I think we all shall develop some civic sense. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

From student to working professional

Its been quite a while I was away from blogging. The reason is the transformation I got in my life, from student to working professional. 
As a student  I was a free spirit, though I was occupied by college work I had much time for family, friends and of course myself. Leaving home by @ 8 in morning and returning back when clock hits 9 pm exactly after 13 hours, hectic.. isn't it? not really. That's how majority of the people lives. 
But its just 2 months I hopped on my first job and I have a really long way to go. All I can for now is learn more about time management and really follow it for my betterment.

Oh lastly, let me re-introduce myself, I am Fahad Hasan, Digital Marketer at Lexinvent Pvt Ltd.